I am pleased to announce that, for the very first time, some of my creative works have been published somewhere other than my own blog or a student publication! Three of my poems were selected for inclusion in Celebrating Poetry. A collection of poems from everyday poets from around the world, this anthology also includes essays on poetry and poem writing exercises (with blank pages for your own creations) that make it an excellent workbook for those seeking to improve their understanding of and skill in poetry whether individually or in the classroom. For those who wish it, a Kindle edition is available in addition to the paperback.
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Felix Martin's discussion of Bitcoin in this piece for WIRED was very interesting and informative for me, but what I found the most fascinating was the historical overview of the evolution of the concept and use of money. Knowledge is power and knowledge of all things economic is perhaps my weakest practical knowledge base, so I'll be reading Martin's book Money: the Unauthorised Biography very soon.
Andrew J. Goggans
A medical writer and freelance wordsmith in the Raleigh, NC area, I devote my time to various writing endeavors and to life with my wife and three lovely daughters. Described by friends as a "modern hobbit," I record my efforts, adventures, and contemplations here and at Skipping Bachelorhood. Archives
March 2015